Bridge is probably the most extraordinary card game.
Progress requires a large volume of play to achieve fluency.
This free website provides a digital solution to teachers around the world.

Website structured in two sections

Creation Page

The teacher uploads a deal or creates it directly.
He chooses the pedagogical characteristics:
Minibridge, simple display of a contract or of the auction, usual bridge including specified bids that must be reproduced by the student, imposed beginning of the cardgame…
The teacher sends the link generated to his students.

Play Page

Students play this deal for free,
whenever and as often as they want
against robots that do not make any mistakes,
according to the pedagogical choices of their teacher.

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Uploading a deal

Upload one of your files (on the left),
and then select a deal among them (on the right).
PBN and DUP file formats are supported.
Many software programs (free or not) allow you to create this files.
Note: It is not possible to create an URL to play multiple deals.

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Diagram of the deal

The diagram of the selected deal is displayed. You can also enter the cards by hand. The declarer, whether he is the student or a robot, will always sit in South, with the dummy in North.
The position of the student is to be selected at the top right:
Player seats SOUTH, Player seats EAST or Player seats WEST.
Rotate the hands by the button Rotate Hands at the bottom right. Enter a partial diagram and then complete the hands randomly by using the button Complete at the bottom left.
At any time, correct the diagram using the keyboard. The contract and the lead are filled in dedicated sections (see below).

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Enter the beginning of the cardplay using the keyboard.
Each trick (complete or not) is entered on a single line. Cards are indicated by the symbol of their suit (S for s, H for 3, D for 4 and C for c) followed by their value (A, K, Q, J, 10… 2).
In the example oppositebelow, the cardplay will start this way without the student being able to interact:
— 1st trick: lead King of Spades, 6 of Hearts from the dummy, 3 of Spades from East, Ace of Spades from South;
— 2nd trick: 3 of Clubs from South, 10 of Clubs from West and the student takes the control at this moment.
To indicate only the lead, just fill in one card (“SK” in the example above).
Be Careful! The robot does not use specific signals. Without an indication of the lead, the robot will therefore lead an optimal card for the defense but one that may seem strange to a human player. The teacher is advised to enter this card unless the student is on lead.

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Comment (of the cardplay)

Each card filled in the previous section may be commented by the teacher in order to be displayed to the student.
To do this, enter in the Cardplay section numbered references in the form =n= after the cards desired (enter a space between the card and this reference).
The corresponding numbers n will be displayed in the Comments section. Then, it’s possible to enter the text that should be displayed after the card has been played.
In the example above, the message “Top of sequence” will be displayed after the play of the King of Spades (“SK =1=”).

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Form of play, vulnerability and expected result

Entering this data is optional. The expected result is the number of tricks to be won by the declaring side.
If the student sits in South, plays a 4 Spades contract and must find out how to win an overstick, indicate 11 tricks.
If this result is not indicated, the expected result will be by default the number of tricks needed to make the contract.
This data will only be used to congratulate the student at the end of the deal:
3 stars if the expected result (or better) is reached,
2 stars for one down,
1 star for two down,
no star otherwise.
Note: This system is of course very “enthusiastic”: it also aims not to demotivate the student in case of failure.

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Bids and comments (of the auctions)

Click on the dealer’s position to change it. Click Bid to open the box. Enter the auction, or only the final contract if you want to impose it without an auction. You do not have to enter anything in the modes without an auction.
In the “Minibridge” modes in particular, the contract will be calculated on the play page according to HCP and distribution points. If you enter a contract and choose a “Minibridge” mode, it will be displayed if this contract and the calculated contract differs.
You can alert a bid by clicking A after the bid has been made. You can comment a bid by clicking on it: the comment will appear in the Comments section below after being validated.
Click Finish to complete the auction.

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Choose to play…
Without dummy for the very first deals before introducing this part of the game. It will only be No Trump contracts, with the student having to win the maximum number of tricks.
With dummy but Without auctions in the following modes:
— “Do not display anything” for No Trump cardplay and the goal to win the maximum tricks;
— “Display the trump” for Trump or No Trump play and the goal to make the maximum of tricks;
— “Display the trump and the number of tricks to be made”;
— “HCP Minibridge” (only No Trump contracts);
— “DH Minibridge”;
— “HLD Minibridge”.
With dummy with auctions in the following modes:
— “Bid”, the most classic mode, in which the student will have to reproduce the bids that the teacher has entered. The bids of other players will be displayed by the system as the teacher has filled them: actually, the robot does not bid, it only reproduces these bids.
— “Display only the auctions”, where the auctions that the teacher filled will be displayed without interaction, after that the student can directly play the deal.

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Generate Button

You can click on the Generate button to:
→ Play the deal by clicking directly on the link;
→ Copy the link to send to the students (by clicking on the icon );
→ Download the PBN file of the generated deal.
This file allows dealing by most commercial machines and contains the generated link.

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The Interface

At the URL provided, the play will take place according to the parameters chosen by the teacher. At any time, the player can click on one of the two following buttons:
To claim a certain number of tricks
The system will accept this request if and only if the number of tricks claimed is the maximum number of tricks achievable knowing all four games.
To request help
The system will give the student the correct bid, or one of the optimal cards knowing the four hands.

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How does the system bid?
The system doesn't really bid: it only reproduces the bids entered by the teacher, and asks the student to bid, on his turn.
In “Minibridge” mode, it provides the declarer with the distribution and number of HCP of his partner. The declarer then determines the final contract. The decision table is shown behind the button .
How does the system handle the cardplay?
The system always plays an optimal card knowing the four hands: therefore never gives up a trick. It uses Bo Haglund’s implementation of DDS (Apache 2.0 licensed).
No signalization system is used: be sure to specify the lead if necessary.